What social skills would be important in each of the following situations?
A. Respecting authority
B. Dealing with strangers
C. Having a good sense of humor
D. Knowing expectations
Situation 1
The fire alarm has gone off. You d9n't know if it is a drill or not, but you're.
supposed to line up and exit the building. You immediately get up and get
in line without talking.
Situation 2
There is a lockdown announced. Everyone is supposed to be quiet and follow
instructions from the teacher. You are in the gym, and you live close to the school.
You want to just leave the school and go home because you know that is a safe
place. They tell you that no one is allowed to leave, so you begin to argue with the
Situation 3
You are walking down the hall on your way to the office when a person you
don't know asks you where the principal's office is. You think this is odd because
all visitors are supposed to stop in at the principal's office when they come to
school. You stop a teacher and let her know that this person needs some help.
Situation 4
There is a tornado warning in your area. Instead of leaving at the regular time, all
students have to sit in the hallway and wait for the all-clear signal. You were
supposed to go to a dentist's appointment to get a cavity filled, so you aren't too
sad about being delayed. You tell the teacher that you really didn't plan this
tornado just so you could get out of going to the dentist.
Chapter 5 Using Social Skills at School