The study employed a survey research design using a self-developed questionnaire to collect the data. To assure for content validity of the questionnaire, items on the survey were based on results and theoretical perspectives from the literature review as well as in-depth interviews with eight first-year university students and five students in their final year of high school. The number of persons that were interviewed was based on the saturation of the information, being that there was no new information with the thirteenth interviewee. From these in-depth interviews and the literature reviewed, 56 survey items were constructed for use in the survey. These items were then tested with a preliminary group of 50 respondents to determine their construct validity and reliability. Items that received less than .30 on the Item-Reminder Coefficient (Spector, 1992) scale were removed. Out of the original 56 items, 11 were removed which left 45 valid items remaining on the survey instrument. The resulting valid questionnaire then was then provided to the respondents for completion.
Respondents were selected from university freshmen and high school students in their last year of studies. A total of 441 respondents participated in this study. These students who provided answers came from both private and public universities and secondary schools. However based on the respondent consistency coefficient (Kountur, 2011), 180 were considered as biased in that their responses were not consistent in the answering of the questionnaire. These surveys of these 180 respondents were then removed from the data. The remaining 261 questionnaires were used for the analysis.
In answering the first research question, exploratory factor analysis with principal factor extraction was used. In answering the second research question a chi-square statistical formulation was used with significance level of .10.