Good morning everyone and welcome to you all. Let me introduce myself. I am________, I am_________, I am_________. Today we will show you about the advantages and the disadvantages of processed food.
We choose this topic because processed foods are close up to all of us. Can you give us some processed food example please?.____________
Thank you for answering and do you know, processed foods that you mentioned have many advantages and disadvantages and we are going to talk about them today. If you have any question. I'd be grateful if you could leave them until the end.
First, we talk will about the advantages of processed foods.
Firstly, processed food can be kept for much longer time period because Some food processing techniques can preserve nutritional, content such as freezing, It result in easy keeping and storing and save more time for frequent purchases.
Next, Processed food is safety and it can prevent dangerous toxins. For example, milk pasteurization can remove harmful substances or remove water from food such as drying and smoking, that inhibit the growth of bacteria.
Moreover, processed food is convenient for manufacturers and marketing. It provides mostly some patterns of product. Moreover ,it is quicker and easier for consumption .For example, consumers spend less time in preparation and cooking and they can reduce more waste and cost than buying foods.
Furthermore, processed foods contain sugar, salt and fat. These can increase flavor to make our foods more interesting and can be kept for several days.
More, processed food can be used as of healthy and balance diet.
Next, we talk about disadvantages of processed foods.
Firstly, Nutrients of processed foods are reduced. For example, the Report from the Better Health Channel, Blanching have shown that food before freezing can removes water-soluble vitamins like B complex and vitamin C. Milling grains can remove most of vitamins and peeling fruits and vegetables can remove vitamins that lie close to skin's surface.
Next, Processed foods have additives, but they are not nutritive at all. If consumers have them over a certain amount and these food can be higher in calories, sugar and fat in them .In addition, it causes cancer or other diseases
For example,
- Sodium nitrite added in hot dog and lunch to make meat pink color and prevents growth of bacteria. can increase risk of cancer and risk of bowel cancer
- Processed snack foods, dinners and side dishes which contain sugar, sodium and fats to improve flavor, lead to health risks such as excess sodium which can raise your blood pressure and also excess sugar can lead to weight gain, excess fats and particularly trans fats, excess fats can increase risk of heart disease.
In addition, processed foods have contamination. From that on Food Quality News, in 2007 stated that Salmonella outbreaks and Contaminants in hamburger resulted from beef infected with E coli.
That's the end of our talk today. Before we start answering your questions, let me briefly summarize what we have said here. We have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of processed foods. There are several advantages of processed foods. Processed foods have additives. These can increase flavor to make our foods more interesting. Moreover, processed foods is safety and it can prevent dangerous toxins, it make consumer can be used as healthy and balance diet. Furthermore, processed foods is convenient for manufacturers and marketing. However some of disadvantages of processed foods. Nutrients of processed food are reduced. Moreover, processed foods have additives, it cause cancer or other diseases. We think that processed foods can create comfort to consumers a lot. But in the comfort, it has hidden danger. So we have the choice of processed food for avoid these danger. Now, it's time for questions. Are there any question.?___________. If there are no questions then, that is the end of my presentation. Thank you for your attention.