If the average person were asked to describe Sam Collins, the last word that would come to mind would be 'snuggly'. Standing at 6'2", the 19 year old had a body that was perfectly sculpted due to the time he spent in the gym. Brown hair, blue eyes, and disarming smile were more than enough to send any girl or woman swooning. Handsome, well-built, and muscular were appropriate words to describe him. Yet, to the only woman in his life; he was her 'snuggle bunny'.
Kelly Collins, the woman in question, was 40 years young and the proud mother of the strapping, young lad. She stood at 5'4" in her bare feet. Kelly had thick brown hair, which she kept to a shoulder length, and soft brown eyes. A very nice body, which she kept in shape with regular sessions with her son in their basement gym. And the breasts. Oh my goodness, the breasts. Kelly's bust was an enviable 34F. Even at her age, the breasts had retained their youthful exuberance, with just a bit of slight sag. And the icing on the cake was her incredibly curvy ass.
An internal auditor by profession, Kelly had worked hard in order to be successful in the field of her choosing. Of course, she was mainly driven by a desire to make sure her baby boy was comfortable in every way possible. Professional success, a body to die for, and her incredibly pretty face would have been enough to attract the attention of any man.
However, most men did not hit on or approach Kelly. Sam made sure of that. He was extremely protective of his mother, and rarely let her out of his sight. If a man did manage to gather the courage to approach the buxom MILF, he would find a scowling Sam towering behind her. A raging glare and a menacing snarl from him was more than enough to send the hapless offender scurrying off in the opposite direction.
Kelly did not miss the company of men. She was quite content being a single mom. She had been naïve when she was young, and had given her virginity to the first guy that said he loved her - Sam's father. The sad excuse for a man had run off after knocking her up, leaving her alone to raise her sweet baby boy. Not that she minded. It had hurt initially, being abandoned, but she quickly realized that the bundle of joy growing inside her was more than enough compensation for the betrayal she had suffered.
She loved Sam dearly, her pride and joy. And truth be told, Sam had slipped into the role of the man of the house from a very young age. Fixing the sink, washing her car, mowing the lawn... he had even gotten a part-time job when he started college! She wasn't exactly clear with what he did - something with computers and coding. But he earned enough to be able to buy little gifts for her - flowers, Belgian chocolates and the occasional trinket or piece of jewelry. She could not imagine needing another man for anything, as long as her baby boy was around. Well, maybe for one particular thing. But her well-used stack of romance novels and her little pink friend hidden in her nightstand were more than enough to take care of that.
The nickname she had given her baby boy was appropriate. When he was a child, Sam would sleep in his mother's bed, snuggling up to her and holding her tight, both of them warm and cozy under the covers. One night, Kelly had jokingly told her baby boy how much he reminded her of a stuffed bunny she used to sleep with when she was her little girl, which she used to clutch tight to keep her safe from nightmares - her 'snuggle bunny'. Sam's little chest had puffed up with pride on hearing his mother call him her snuggle bunny. The name stuck.
She did suspect that her baby was attracted to her, as most sons should not be. She hadn't failed to notice the way he would look at her from a very young age. A mixture of love and longing that melted her heart. She suspected correctly that her only child would try to peek in through the keyhole when she was in the bathroom or getting dressed. When he hit puberty, her bras and panties began disappearing from the laundry hamper on a regular basis, only to reappear a day later, streaked with copious amounts of dried semen. Of course, the protective - almost possessive - way her 'snuggle bunny' would behave in public was the final confirmation she needed.
When Sam hit puberty, the sleeping in the same bed had to be put to a stop. Kelly missed her snuggle bunny terribly, but she knew it wasn't appropriate for a mother and her rapidly growing son to be sharing a bed.