to help students develop their own mental models through use of the target
language. Exercises were designed to guide meaningful peer interactions
and promote fluency. Esling (1991), created a series of task-based CALL
activities to promote productive email exchanges between ESL students at
two Canadian universities. In these activities, for example, students were
directed to describe photographs, give directions, or express an opinion.
The role of computer software was to help deliver visual materials for
description, process word documents, or provide interactive simulations.
In another project, Abraham and Liou (1991) studied the spoken language
of learners at workstations to compare the talk elicited by different types
of computer applications and to see if the talk was more useful and productive
than would otherwise be the case in non-computer situations. In
their conclusion, they report that the talk elicited by the different programs
did not vary widely, nor was it significantly different than in non-computer
to help students develop their own mental models through use of the targetlanguage. Exercises were designed to guide meaningful peer interactionsand promote fluency. Esling (1991), created a series of task-based CALLactivities to promote productive email exchanges between ESL students attwo Canadian universities. In these activities, for example, students weredirected to describe photographs, give directions, or express an opinion.The role of computer software was to help deliver visual materials fordescription, process word documents, or provide interactive simulations.In another project, Abraham and Liou (1991) studied the spoken languageof learners at workstations to compare the talk elicited by different typesof computer applications and to see if the talk was more useful and productivethan would otherwise be the case in non-computer situations. Intheir conclusion, they report that the talk elicited by the different programsdid not vary widely, nor was it significantly different than in non-computersituations.
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