Beef fat content was decreasing during storage caused by the reaction of auto-oxidation of fatty acid with
oxygen exposure forming malonaldehyde compounds [18]. Malonaldehyde is a rancid taste aldehyde compound as a
decomposition product of unsaturated fatty acids in beef meat [16]. According [22] was explained that free radical
compounds produced by auto-oxidation reaction between unsaturated fatty acids and oxygen exposure forming
unstable peroxide which then forming the smells rancid short carbon chain (aldehydes and ketones). Therefore the
longer period of storage of beef marinated garlic crushed would be able to increase malonaldehyde compound
(calculated as the value of TBA) but reducing the beef fat content. Malonaldehyde during storage can be inhibited /
reduced by garlic crushed, due to antioxidant compoundsom garlic.
140 Nurwantoro et al. / Procedia Food Science 3 ( 2015 ) 137 – 141
Results of the study shows that there was an interaction between the level of garlic crushed and the storage
period at refrigeration temperatures on fat content and TBA value. The higher level concentration of garlic crushed
and the longer storage period would remain decreasing beef fat content. Otherwise, the higher level concentration of
garlic crushed would remain decreasing the value of TBA but the longer storage was vice versa. The higher levels of
garlic crushed have able to reduce the value of TBA and vice versa. The longer the storage period resulting in
increasing fatty acid oxidation and the value of TBA in beef meat.
Moisture of garlic has antioxidative activity value about 53.66%. It has mean that free radical compounds
capable to reducing up to 53.66%. Garlic crushed has the ability to inhibit fat rancidity during storage at
refrigeration temperature. Garlic crushed can decreasing the beef fat content during storage at refrigeration