Renal Dialysis Unit–Staff Nurse
What to expect: Of all the nursing careers we have considered, being a renal dialysis nurse requires less formal or advanced education in order to begin a career than most. Much of the work is routine with specific guidelines for assessing and determining what goals need to be met during the time a client spends using an “artificial kidney.” While the work in itself may be more routine, clients who have, or are in the process of coming to terms with their reality and needs may not see their reality as routine. Being a compassionate, understanding, and encouraging person will probably give both you and your clients a lot more satisfaction.
Challenges you may face: Machines that beep when they malfunction, and demand intervention may be difficult. So too, clients who are angry about their loss of freedom and limitations of independence may be a challenge to deal with in a compassionate manner. Creativity in the midst of routine and disappointment and despair will help make this a meaning job.
Median salary: $72,000