Sucrose and phusp?mte
Table 1 records the results of three experiments to compare the concentration
of tobacco mosaic virus in tobacco leaves placed for
5 days in water or in a
nutrient solution containing
5 g. sucrose/l. and 0.2 g./l. each of NH4N0, and
Ca(H,PO,),.H,O. Exps. A and B had three replications and Exp. C two
replications for each treatment. The leaves placed in the nutrient contained
50 to 70% more virus than the leaves in water. The replications differed
little. Statistical analysis showed the difference to be significant between
1 and 0.1 yo probability level and in Exp. C between 2 and 1 yo. Although
replications in individual experiments differed little, there were considerable
differences in virus concentration with similar treatments in experiments done