groupsThe sampled limpets covered a wide range of shell diametersranging from 4.0 cm, and were divided into four groupsbased on shell diameter. In order to detect any variation betweenindividuals of different sizes, the nitrogen isotope composition wasmeasured in the muscle tissue of the limpets. Differences betweensize groups are presented in the diagrams in Fig. 3. Based on theresults of all sampling locations shown in Fig. 3, we found a gen-erally small difference in nitrogen isotope composition betweenthe sizes of individual limpets. Generally, the difference in nitro-gen isotope ratios between the smallest and largest individuals was1.4‰, where the values were higher in the smallest individuals. Insome locations, nitrogen isotope values were lower in the smallestindividuals (group A), while in other locations the differences werepractically negligible and were also lower in larger limpets (groupD). The presented results suggested that isotopic differences mightdepend more on the location (isotopic composition) of their dietthan organism size.