I'm a teacher because I want to make a difference and some kind of positive impact on society today. We now live in a world where no one has to do anything for themselves and they want everything given to them. Children live in homes where they aren't expected to be responsible or accountable which is modeled by their parents, and I want to give them another model to compare. I want to teach children that life is not easy, but it is what you make of it. I teach my students that if they have a rough life now or aspects of their life that they wish were different then they can definitely change their future.
I don't share this aspect with my students in depth but I grew up in poverty like many of them with a drug addicted parent. My brother and I both raised ourselves and have completely changed our path due to our upbringing. I am my students' cheerleader but I've also been where many of them have been so I push them. I help them attain the real tools they need in life to become great productive adults.