appropriate power a in order for marginal cost pricing to achieve
equity and efficiency. Ideally, each highway agency should
compute its own MR&R marginal cost estimates based on the
measure of pavement deterioration that it uses for triggering
MR&R and, accordingly, the appropriate power that would enable
it to design pricing that is equitable and efficient.
We find that the choice of the specific distribution of axle
weights has, qualitatively, no effect on the results regarding the
price ratio (PRICEa/PRICE4). In other words, these results are robust
to uncertainty regarding the true distribution, and are thus quite
general. However, the specific distribution of axle weights has a
large impact, for a given a, on traffic loading and thus on PRICEa.
Therefore, having good information on the axle weight distribution
is important for obtaining accurate estimates of PRICEa.