Singapore imports nearly all of its hazardous wastes control equipment. Domestic production is less than 2.0% of the total market and is mainly in peripheral and supporting equipment. U.S. is the leader in Singapore for hazardous waste control equipment and technology.
Singapore Environmental Industry
The environmental services industry in Singapore is integrated both horizontally and vertically. Identified as a growth cluster, its core is centred on the linked services of cleaning (both commercially and domestic), pest control and waste management; accounting for an estimated annual turnover of S$1.65 billion per annum.
There are few large environmental companies like SembCorp Environmental Management Pte Ltd (SembEnviro), which is a Singapore Quality Class company and certified to ISO 9001:2000 quality management standards and 14001:1996 environmental management standards. It is the second largest environmental services company in Australia. Hyflux, another environmental company secured Singapore’s first 30 million gallons of desalinated seawater desalination project worth S$250 million.