Guidelines for Prevention and Pollution
Prevention and tackle water pollution are as follows:
1). Given the standard of water quality. To control and preserve water quality in standards
is not harmful to health
2). Control the disposal of waste water from waste water sources such as residential, industrial
establishments. A therapy to standard before discharge to natural waters
3). People should cooperate in the conservation of water resources. Without leaving trash Sewage or chemicals into the water and use water sparingly and most effectively
4). Deforestation is a watershed. When forests are destroyed to make ground collapse easily. When rain falls, it will rain erosion. Borne organic matter covered surface. Sediment and water things down to
make dirty water shallower
5). Reducing the chemicals to a minimum. The chemicals that are used When rainwater runoff entering the water becomes polluted water to
6). People should cooperate with the government or other agencies. In the improvement of water or sewage disposal.