metal data presented as box charts in Fig. 3a-d are found either as
undetectable (bLOD), trace levels (≤100 ng/session), or high levels
(≥100 ng/session). The data are represented in a small distribution
(b50 ng/session), a medium distribution (50–100 ng/session), and a
large distribution (N100 ng/session). The second scenario shown in
Fig. 3b also had Mya stones in the head with Fantasia charcoal. Cr, Cu,
and As were consistently found in the Mya hookah head scenarios
(Fig. 3a–b). Ni, Cd, and Pb were found to be either below the limits of detection
or in trace levels (≤100 ng/session) when the Mya stones were
smoked during a 30-minute simulation.
The third hookah head scenario had 20.0 g Shiazo stones in the head
and Coco Nara as the heat source (Fig. 3c). Finally, the fourth scenario
(Fig. 3d) also shows Shiazo stones and Fantasia charcoal. Cr and As
were consistently found in the Shiazo hookah head scenarios
(Figure 3c-d). Ni, Cu, Cd, and Pb were found to be either below the limits
of detection (bLOD) or in trace levels (≤100 ng/session) when the
Shiazo stones were used. As mentioned previously, temperature gradients
and the difficulties in regulating the temperature profile over
time in the head may contribute some to the variability between samples
producing large uncertainties.
Further experimentation led to replacing the traditional charcoal
with electronic charcoal as described above, which is composed of a resistance
heater inside a ceramic body that heats up to a desired temperature
and is marketed as a PREP. Mainstream smoke was collected on
filters with an identical apparatus set up, sample preparation, and
total metal analysis parameters seen in the Materials and Methods section
and the Steam Stone Metal Extraction Procedure sections above.
metal data presented as box charts in Fig. 3a-d are found either asundetectable (bLOD), trace levels (≤100 ng/session), or high levels(≥100 ng/session). The data are represented in a small distribution(b50 ng/session), a medium distribution (50–100 ng/session), and alarge distribution (N100 ng/session). The second scenario shown inFig. 3b also had Mya stones in the head with Fantasia charcoal. Cr, Cu,and As were consistently found in the Mya hookah head scenarios(Fig. 3a–b). Ni, Cd, and Pb were found to be either below the limits of detectionor in trace levels (≤100 ng/session) when the Mya stones weresmoked during a 30-minute simulation.The third hookah head scenario had 20.0 g Shiazo stones in the headand Coco Nara as the heat source (Fig. 3c). Finally, the fourth scenario(Fig. 3d) also shows Shiazo stones and Fantasia charcoal. Cr and Aswere consistently found in the Shiazo hookah head scenarios(Figure 3c-d). Ni, Cu, Cd, and Pb were found to be either below the limitsof detection (bLOD) or in trace levels (≤100 ng/session) when theShiazo stones were used. As mentioned previously, temperature gradientsand the difficulties in regulating the temperature profile overtime in the head may contribute some to the variability between samplesproducing large uncertainties.Further experimentation led to replacing the traditional charcoalwith electronic charcoal as described above, which is composed of a resistanceheater inside a ceramic body that heats up to a desired temperatureand is marketed as a PREP. Mainstream smoke was collected onfilters with an identical apparatus set up, sample preparation, andtotal metal analysis parameters seen in the Materials and Methods sectionand the Steam Stone Metal Extraction Procedure sections above.
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