androidlost status (sends back the status)
androidlost alarm 5 (sounds the alarm for 5 seconds)
androidlost vibrate 3 (vibrates 3 seconds)
androidlost message Hi there! Call 55523424 to get the reward (pops up a message on the phone)
androidlost sound on (enables sound)
androidlost sound off (mutes sound)
androidlost speak come home now Brian (speaks the message out loud)
androidlost data start (starts the data connection)
androidlost data stop (stops the data connection)
androidlost wifi start (starts the wifi connection)
androidlost wifi stop (stops the wifi connection)
androidlost call 12345678 (calls the number 12345678)
androidlost hangup (hangs up the active call)
androidlost recordsound 30 (records 30 seconds from microphone)
androidlost getcommands (tries to get waiting commands from server)
androidlost apn copy (copies existing APN and sets it default)
androidlost apn remove (removes copy APN and sets previous default)
androidlost apn enable (enables copy APN)
androidlost apn disable (disables copy APN)
androidlost gps (locates the phone and returns an SMS)
androidlost lock 1234 (locks the phone to pincode 1234)
androidlost unlock (unlocks the phone)
androidlost troubleshooter (starts the Troubleshooter)
androidlost startpoll (polls the server for new messages)
androidlost stoppoll (stops polling)
androidlost restoresettings (gets the settings from the server)
androidlost updatephoneinfo (overwrites the server settings with settings from the phone)
androidlost startapp (starts the app)
androidlost erasesdcard (erases the sd card)
androidlost wipe (wipes the phone)