Checks on the integrity of data analysis
1 An undergraduate psychologist, independent of the study, repeated
the entire analysis and the second author/supervisor analysed the
fullest transcript. They drew comparable themes from the transcripts,
although their choice of words sometimes differed.
2 In a similar process the findings were discussed with the SFBT
practitioners who had authenticated the initial session transcripts.
3 All of the participants were posted a summary of the findings and
then given the opportunity to comment by post or in person. One
participant and a member of a parent support group, independent
of the project, discussed the findings in depth and commented on a final draft of the paper. Other participants made brief comments.
Any differences in interpretation were resolved by a re-examination
of the transcripts and discussion until a consensus was reached, with
deference to the participant.
5 Findings were also presented to groups of clinical psychologists and
practitioners in ID services independent of the project. Journal
referees and university staff marking the project added further
reflections that were integrated into the final text.
6 A reflexive research journal and audit trail were kept and discussed
in both individual supervision and qualitative research group
supervision. This demonstrated that the line of argument was
supported by the data and research process.
7 Openness about the authors’ positions.