A study by Dan O'Leary and his associates examined the effective of soft, private reprimands versus loud, public reprimands in decreasing disruptive behavior (O'Leary, Kaufman, Kass, & Drabman, 197o) Reprimanding a problem student quietly so that only the student can hear to be much more effective. When the teacher in the study spoke to offenders loudly enough for the entire class to hear, the disruptions increased or continued at a constant level. Some students enjoy public recognition for misbehavior. Perhaps public condemnation encourages a student to save face by having the last word. At any rate, the extra time and effort required to use private reprimands seems to be a good investment in making lasting improvements.If reprimands are not used too position of hurting students while claiming that it iors wrong for the students to hurt others.
An adult's response to the misbehavior of a student can become a model for dealing with problems. If you listen to the conversations or watch the play of children, you often see conflicts solved through aggression. Children learn to punish because they were routinely punished themselves(Martin& Pear,1992)