Today camp is like "oh my god! I'm gonna die!"
Okays.. But I can't share too much about camp!
I will just make things short about my camp today and other day!
Did my standard check before lunch.
Had nasi lemak for lunch..
After lunch there's some safty talks and I get to play with fire extinguisher again!
Friends are helping me find situation for some trouble I'm having!
I really appreciate all their care! Thanks!
Hmmm.. After camp when FangJie find Sophia take key home!
Daily after work procedure...
Went to Hougang1 to buy dinner, walked home.
Reach home, prayed, bathed and now I'm eating!
HAHAHAHAHS! Also took a unglam picture! I don't know why I do so but yeahs..
Okays! After eating I will be watching show then sleep!
Will end here now! Good night!
Amos Seah at 19:33