Section 4.10 Physical Access Controls, Visitor Controls
Visitors must present photo identification for documentation purposes upon arrival. All visitors should be escorted and visibly display temporary identification.
A. Visitors
A “visitor” is any person not employed by Sojitz Corporation of America (“SCA”) as a full-time or temporary employee, contractor, or regular service provider.
Visitors must have an appointment with an SCA employee prior to arrival at the facility. All visitors to the SCA New York and Houston offices are required to obtain a Visitor’s Badge from Building Security. Visitors must present a valid photo ID. Upon presentation of a valid photo ID, visitors will be issued a temporary badge to be worn at all times while on our property.
SCA’s Houston and Portland offices do no use badge identification systems, however, their office suites are locked at all times. Access requires knowledge of the lock combination. Visitors and deliveries are only allowed entrance by office staff after identification. Visitors and deliverymen are accompanied at all times and are allowed very limited access to the office suite, i.e., reception and/or a conference room.
Upon completion of the visit, the visitor will return the badge to Reception. Visitor logs are maintained and retained according to recordkeeping retention procedures.
B. Temporary Employees
A “non-employee” is any person not employed by SCA, who will be assigned to the facility for more than 14 days. Non-employees usually include temporary staff, contractors, and some regular service providers.
A “service provider/vendor” is a person that is not an employee of SCA, but provides a service to the company and requires access to the facility on a regular, ongoing basis.
Temporary employees and vendors will be issued appropriate identification at the New York and Seattle offices, which will be worn on their person at all times while on company property. Temporary employees and vendors are under direct supervision at all times at the SCA Houston and Portland offices.
Non-employees and vendors will not be provided with facility keys and/or alarm codes. Upon completion of the long-term assignment, or when the badge is no longer required, the badge must be returned to Building Security.
SCA reserves the right to search all persons, vehicles, and personal effects arriving and departing the facility.