Let’s start bo look at this powerpoint. It appears that the Pi- is a turethai instrument which the Thai have made and use since ancient times. The method of blowing the instrument and its characteristic shape and arrangement of finger holes in unique. The name for the instrument comes from the characteristic sound it produces when played. It is usually made of one of the hardwoods, but instrument are occasionally made of other materials such as marble. The wood body is turned and shaped on a lathe-fluted outward at both ends and slightly bulging at the center. The inside hollowed out throughout the entire length of the body. At the upper end there is a small hole into which the reed pipe is inserted; At the lower end is a large opening, the end of hollowed out shaft. The upper end is called “Thua-n Bon” and the lower end “Tua-n Lang”. Along the center bulge are six fingers holes, four in a group on the upper end of the pulge, then a short space then to on the lower part of the pulgeคน2. A round this center pulge fourteen pairs of small rings are lathed on, girding the instrument. They are smoothed and polished, adding to the attractiveness of the instrument. The finger holes are put between various pairs of these rings. Another pair of rings may be put at each end of the center group near the point where the instrument is at its minimum width. this gives the fingers support and prevents their slipping. The reed for the Pi- is made of four small, round pieces of palmyrapalm leaves, placed in two double last year and tied to a small tube made of brass silver or some other metal. This reed-tube arrangement is called gam phua-t, and is 5 cm. The method of tying the reed to the pipe is call phu-k ta grut bet. The end of the metal to be which fits into the hole in the top of the Pi- is a little larger than the end to which the reed is attached. This larger end is wrapped with enough control thread to make a tight fit when this end is inserted into the small hole in the top of the instrument. Originally the Pi- probably served as leader of the ensemble of instrument with which it play, usually per cussion instrument only, and for this reason this ensemble. Only one Pi- was used. This ensemble accompained the shadow plays’ the kho-n, or masked drama, and lakhaw-n naw-k, which was the regular public theater. All of these stage performance used male actors only. Later, when the lakhaw-n nai, private palace performances, were introduced, using women to Protray the parts, and the kho-n was also brought into the palace, the pi. Was modified to fit this new conditions. the body was made larger and the corresponding pitch was lower and the tone mellower. The new instrument which was used in the palace was call Pi- nai- “Pi- for the performances inside the royal palace.”