The City of San Diego plans, organizes, and coordinates initiatives and strategies to assist the City's homeless community in collaboration with other public and private organizations and programs. Through contracts with nonprofit service providers, funds from the City's Community Development Block Grant and Social Services programs help provide services to the Winter Shelter Program, Neil Good Day Center, 150-bed Cortez Hill Family Center and the Seniors Transitional Housing Program.
The City's Homeless Administrator represents the City on regional homeless committees, including the San Diego Regional Task Force on the Homeless, the San Diego Regional Continuum of Care Council and the East Village Redevelopment Homeless Advisory Committee.
The City works in a joint collaboration with the County of San Diego to provide mainstream resources to establish a continuum of care for episodic, transitional and chronic homeless individuals and families in the area.
For specific shelter and service information, call the homeless service agencies directly or call the INFO LINE of San Diego.