Second Life is a 3D online world created by users for users. The large virtual world is just like reality, only with more imagination. Engage in free 3D chat, personalise your own avatar and explore the vast and colourful virtual reality. In Second Life there are endless opportunities for shopping. From designer shoes and clothes to vampire collector's items, luxurious yachts to large mansions. You are even able to create your own product and market it to the great Second Life community. Build up your own home, obtain a virtual job and start earning the game's currency, Linden dollars. Second Life has virtually everything that real life has, only more. By using your imagination you can contribute to the expansion of this impressive world, whilst exploring its vast realms.I teleported to Christmas Expo & Winter Breedables Fair - Day #3 Events!.it’s very impressive and have a Christmas lights from Christmas trees.At here I can socialise and connect with millions of other users, and join them in exciting events. you can even join the fun of a virtual version of the famous Burning Man festival. Plan your own events, organise conferences and join one of the user-created personal interest groups. i can learn about writing skills vocabulary,grammar. hope you will play this game again.this’s game is OK.