The World Imagery service presents satellite imagery for the world and high-resolution (1m or better) imagery for the United States and other areas around the world. The service includes NASA Blue Marble: Next Generation 500m resolution imagery at small scales (above 1:1,000,000), i-cubed 15m eSAT imagery at medium-to-large scales (down to 1:70,000) for the world, and USGS 15m Landsat imagery for Antarctica. The service also includes i-cubed Nationwide Prime 1m or better resolution imagery for the contiguous United States, Getmapping 1m resolution imagery for Great Britain, AeroGRID 1m to 2m resolution imagery for several countries in Europe, IGP 1m resolution imagery for Portugal, and GeoEye IKONOS 1m resolution imagery for Hawaii, parts of Alaska, and several hundred metropolitan areas around the world. i-cubed Nationwide Prime is a seamless, color mosaic of various commercial and government imagery sources, including Aerials Express 0.3 to 0.6m resolution imagery for metropolitan areas and the best available United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery and enhanced versions of United States Geological Survey (USGS) Digital Ortho Quarter Quad (DOQQ) imagery for other areas.