Come on - try to think out of the box. Immigration/refugees will always be an issue somewhere in the world at any given time. It affects all nations to some degree. Someday it may be the USA from where people are fleeing (especially if we become a theocracy or continue our movement towards a full blown oligarchy).
Setting up a UN type fund whereby all nations contribute to help with the cost of the refugee issue would be one step. Making those countries from where people are fleeing pay more is another. Forcing those countries to adopt changes to stop or slow down immigration from their country is another. Paying the countries that accept refugees from this fund to cover some of the cost is another. If all nations work together to force those roque nations to do the "right thing" by their people from a human rights perspective, then change can occur. I know that's a big idealistic ?? in today's egocentric world, but it has to be the course we follow.
It's just like China or the US being the main 2 nations that produce too much carbon on our planet - all nations will pay for our acts. They may soon ask to be reimbursed for their associated costs!
All nations need to participate and be involved. This is the new global world we live in - but "nationalism" and "fear of others" will make this a slow process. But it will come - cause our survival is dependent on it in the long run.