Located in the Kaeng Krachan National Park is located away from the Kaeng Krachan National Park. Approx. 50 kilometres as high mountain consisting of parkland, high sea level is approximately 1, 207 meters, where the surrounding area is a forest with wild animals plenty of terrain, there are spectacular views and integrity. Additionally, in the vast sea of fog is also beautiful, the fog caused by the abundance of trees, Inc. Carbon dioxide (CO2) the site has been designed to weld a beautiful mist, tourists have visited. He was in the vast ocean of fog almost throughout the year. In the morning will see foggy white cover around the Valley. When the degradation to foggy to see dense forest below focus on the condensation in the. Most complex mountain range far and wide eyes sometimes wreathed Hornbill was found flying over the forest in the cold air throughout the year. You can see the fog. The morning's foggy point by can watch the point 2 view point at km 30 and 36 in November onwards the sea fog is very beautiful. The cool weather.