Annex V of this Review includes UNCTAD’s LSCI in
its tenth year. Since 2004, the LSCI has provided
an indicator of each coastal country’s access to the
global liner shipping network. The complete time
series is published in electronic format on UNCTADstat
(UNCTADStat – Statistical Database, 2013). The
underlying data is provided by Lloyds List Intelligence
(Lloyd’s List Intelligence – Containers, 2013); the LSCI
is generated from five components which capture
the deployment of container ships by liner shipping
companies to a country’s ports of call as follows:
(a) the number of ships; (b) their total containercarrying
capacity; (c) the number of companies
providing services with their own operated ships; (d)
the number of services provided; (e) the size (in TEU