Textural profile analysis (TPA) of the cooked rice was performed
using a texture analyser (TA.XT.plus, Texture Technologies Corp.,
UK) with a 50 kg load cell using a two-cycle compression. The
analyser was linked to computer that recorded the data via a software
program called Texture Expert Excede Version 1.0. A two-cycle compression force versus
time program was used to compress the samples till 90% of the
original cooked grain thickness before returning to the original
position and compressing again. A 6-mm diameter ebonite probe
was used to compress 3 grains, with pre-test speed of 1.0 mm/s, test
speed and post-test speed of 0.5 mm/s. Parameters recorded from
the test curves were hardness and adhesiveness. All textural analyses
were replicated ten times and results were presented as mean