Cognitive behavioral social skills training. This intervention
is described in detail elsewhere (17–19). The patients received
24 weekly 2-hour group psychotherapy sessions, with a
half-hour lunch break (lunch was provided). The treatment manual
included a patient workbook that contained homework
forms. The components of social skills training were based on social
skills training interventions available from Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Consultants (37). The components of cognitive behavior
therapy were developed specifically for patients with
schizophrenia (38, 39). Aids to compensate for cognitive impairment,
common in both schizophrenia and normal aging, were
also added. The age-relevant content modifications included
identifying and challenging ageist beliefs (e.g., “I’m too old to
learn”), age-relevant role-playing situations (e.g., talking to a doctor
about eyeglasses), and age-specific problem solving (e.g.,
finding transportation, coping with hearing and vision problems).
Cognitive behavioral social skills training, therefore, targeted
the multidimensional deficits that lead to disability in aging
patients with schizophrenia.