The lack of financial support from parents made a difference in college choices. Of the students who had no help from their parents, 62% chose their college based on proximity to home or work and 54% based on a convenient class schedule, compared with 45% and 37% among students who had parental support. These choices had an impact on graduation rates. Of students who did not graduate, 66% chose their college based on location and 59% based on class schedules, compared with 45% and 36% among students who graduated. Students who graduated were more likely to choose a college based on its academic reputation (54% versus 33%).
The lack of parental support was not just a lack of financial support. Of those without parental support, 50% had parents with no education beyond high school, compared with 21% among those who had some parental support. Their parents were also less likely to instill the value of a college education, 39% versus 60%.