10:28 LUCASTE Dear My Colleagues,I want to bid farewell to you all and inform that I’m leaving my position at Lion Air effective date on 31st July 2015.I have enjoyed work in this company and I appreciate having opportunity to work with all of you. During this great time all of you have provided and supported me. And also I would like to apologize for any mistake. I do wish you and the company every success in all its future.And I would like to introduce also Mr. Andi (andi@lionairthai.com) and Ms. Tan Chooi Kheng (Kheng@lionairthai.com) who will join and their experience are very promising. They will be able to add a great value to your team and company also.Thankyou in advanceWith my best regards,Elvira SijayaPhone : +62818281082 / +6285108083089 / +66881328201CUG : 1323110:29 LUCASTE แอลวิร่าลาออกละ