We distinguish between two decisions in the design of the storage
yard which together make its physical appearance, namely: (1)
equipment selection and (2) layout design. As explained in Section
2 there is a direct relation between the type of equipment selected
and the configuration of the yard expressed in the number of
blocks, rows and bays and stacking height. In general, the storage
yard layout to be implemented is determined after deciding the level
of automation and MHE to be used. At the same time, the level
of automation required is affected by the expected throughput,
capital investment, and the operating costs in the country in which
the terminal will be located. The MHE to be used is also affected by
the type of containers to be handled and the dimensions of the terminal.
Given outcomes for each of those aspects, finding a good
storage yard layout is not a complex problem. However, in practice,
the storage yard layout problem needs to be combined with the
problem of selecting the MHE. We first discuss papers addressing
equipment selection and continue with papers studying the layout
problem as well as papers studying the integrative problem.