Blazing Wall 8 -1 2m 5x2m Instant 30sec. During Fire Mode only Yes
Creates a fire wall on the ground that lasts five seconds and damages any enemy that steps into it.
If the enemy is farther away than 5 meters, Blazing Wall materializes two meters ahead of you; otherwise it comes right up on the enemy's current position. Using it during Phantom Grip puts it on top of the enemy as well.
Upon upgrading, Blazing Wall will stack Ember on every hit.
Stage 1: Detonates Ember stacks at 5, does additional damage on Phantom Gripped enemies.
Stage 2: See Meteor Shower.
Frost Prison 10 -1 16m Target 1.5sec. 30sec. During Frost Mode only Yes
A 1.5 second channel skill that afflicts a targeted enemy with Frost Prison. While affected by Frost Prison, the enemy cannot take any action, but they cannot be damaged. Lasts 8 seconds.
Frost Prison costs no Focus upon upgrading.
Stage 1: Chills after Frost Prison ends, affects area around target as well for longer cooldown.
Stage 2: See Frost Sheath.
Skill Level Focus Range Area Cast Time Cooldown Prerequisites Trainable
Short Fuse 10 -3 16m Target Instant 18sec. During Fire Mode only Yes
Deals damage over time to a targeted enemy for five seconds. At the end of this 5 seconds, it will explode all Ember stacks and remove them from the target, regardless of whether they still had more time remaining. The more stacks are applied, the more damage it will do.
Upon upgrading, you'll stack an extra Ember if you land a critical hit on an enemy with Short Fuse on them.
Stage 1: Sacrifices the 5-second Ember explosion for double damage applied instantly, inflicting Deep Wound, recovering Focus over time, creating a Flame Orbit on hit, and being able to detonate it with Flame Reap instead. Undiscovered: Resets its own cooldown on critical hits.
Stage 2: Applies in an AOE around the targeted enemy and stacks extra Ember when detonated. Undiscovered: Can use 3 consecutive times, but not on the same enemy, for a longer cooldown.
Inferno -3 16m Target 2.5sec. 24sec. During Fire Mode only Yes
Deals a large amount of damage and inflicts Burn.
Upon upgrading, costs 2 Focus instead of 3.
Stage 1: Lower cooldown, creates three Flame Orbits on hit, doesn't increase Threat. Volume 2: Casts instantly without using Focus after getting a critical hit.
Stage 2: Instant cast for less base damage and additional damage per Ember stack and attack speed. Deals more extra if enemy is Stunned or Dazed. Secret: Always critical hits Stunned or Dazed enemies.
Stage 3: Deals half the damage, but to all enemies nearby (??), piercing Defense and stacking 5 Ember instantly, for a longer cooldown. Volume 2: Deals damage over time to enemies nearby instead of flat damage.
Snowball 24 0 16m Target Instant 36sec. During Frost Mode only Yes
Deals Cold damage to an enemy from a distance. Upon upgrading, Snowball's cooldown goes down to 30 seconds.
Stage 1: Does nearly twice the Cold damage to Frozen enemies, creates a Frost Orbit on hit, pierces Parry. Undiscovered: Cooldown resets on critical hits.
Stage 2: Halves damage in exchange for higher ranged attack speed, canceling the opponent's defensive skills, Freezing them, and making the skills unavailable for a while. Undiscovered: Dazes enemy.
Stage 3: See Frost Tornado.
Frost Tornado Snowball Stage 3 0 16m 8m Instant 30sec. During Frost Mode only Yes (Snowball)
Deals Cold damage to an enemy from a distance and chains to hit up to three enemies. Frost Tornado will pierce enemies' Parry.
When your first attack hits, target will be unable to use all Attack and Defense skills for four seconds.
Recovers 3 Focus when the attack hits any enemy. Undiscovered: Chains to hit up to five enemies instead of three.
Skill Level Focus Range Area Cast Time Cooldown Prerequisites Trainable
Ice Coil 22 +3 16m 5m Instant 30sec. During Frost Mode only Yes
Deals Cold damage to an enemy and an area around it. Upon upgrading, this skill deals additional damage to Frozen enemies.
Stage 1: Additional damage and Chill for 6 seconds.
Stage 2: See Frost Burst.
Stage 3: See Cold Snap.
Skill Level Focus Range Area Cast Time Cooldown Prerequisites Trainable
Fire Fury 0 16m Target Instant Instant During Fire Mode only, upon critical Fire Mode skill Yes
Fires five bolts of fire at the enemy, piercing Parry and generating one Flame Orbit.
When upgraded, does more damage, stacks Ember on each hit, and deals bonus damage to Burning enemies. Undiscovered: On Critical 5 uses can be used again.
Frost Fury 0 16m Target Instant Instant During Frost Mode only, upon critical Frost Mode skill Yes
Fires five bolts of ice at the enemy, recovering Focus on each hit and generating one Ice Orbit.
Stage 1: Deals bonus damage to Frozen enemies and recovers additional Focus on critical hits. Undisco