Anaerobic biohydrogen fermenter
Although many experimental studies of anaerobic biohydrogen
fermenters have been reported in recent years, the CFD work on
this area remains scant as shown in Table 3. Ding et al. (2010) demonstrated
a two-stage simulation strategy to solve 3-D gas–liquid
flow agitated by a mechanical impeller in a lab-scale CSTR for producing
biohydrogen under steady-state conditions and then predicts
RTD by transient calculations. The RTD predictions were
verified with the tracer experiments. A qualitative analysis of relation
between hydrodynamics and biohydrogen indicated that the
impeller performed the best at speeds between 50 and 70 rpm.
Wang et al. (2010a) introduced the CFD methodology developed
by Ding et al. (2010) into the investigation of scaleup mechanisms
for the CSTRs, and indicated the hydrodynamics parameters such
as velocity field and stagnation zone needed to be optimized in
industrial-scale reactors.