Their experience was rising so quickly that they were terrified to check their information windows.
With the exception of Hegel, the level 200ers were electrified and couldn’t believe whether it was a dream or reality.
By the time they’d caught up to him, Weed was already running off again.
Running as he wrapped bandages, with eyes closed for meditation, and using the defense skill Close Eyes Tightly, he managed to save a little Health even in the middle of battle!
As long as you weren’t blind, it was normal to always keep your eyes open if you weren’t sleeping. Since he was raising the efficiency of his fighting as he forcibly closed his eyes, it was absolutely ridiculous.
If you carefully examined Weed’s fighting method, it makes you wonder if it was made for humans to imitate!
“He doesn’t rest.”
“He’s probably not human.”
“He’s a Dwarf.”
Hegel became irritated listening to Rumi, Bella, and Twitter’s admiration.
“What the hell.”
He really couldn’t wrap his head around how the situation had become like this.
Common sense!
Although he’d grown up since youth hearing often that he had no consideration, at the very least he had common sense.
Whenever he tried to use his common sense, his head just got muddled up.
“Though he said his profession was Sculptor…”
Hegel suddenly remembered something he’d said to the Black Lion guild members just 8 hours ago. It had been on the chat channel of the Black Lion Guild!
* * *
While they were resting after hunting Kramanoims on the 1st floor, Hegel had chatted with some people he knew.
Provence: Hegel, where are you now?
Hegel: Ah, yes. I spoke to you about this before. I have to explore a dungeon with friends from my school…
Provence: Oh, that was today?
Hegel: Yes. I’ve come to a dungeon in the Plains region of Dale Kingdom. Do not be surprised, hyung-nims, but I was the first to find an undiscovered dungeon.
Provence: Really?
Ject: That’s a bit surprising, Hegel.
Shen: Have you already grown this much?
As large as the Black Lion Guild was, there were many people who recognized Hegel.
Finding an undiscovered dungeon was a rare and glorious deed.
Shen: Approximately what level of dungeon is it?
Hegel: It’s a low-level dungeon. Although I had expectations, jeez. It’s about perfect for level 200s to come play. Whatever.
Hegel whispered quietly so his nearby group members couldn’t hear him.
Ject: Don’t disregard low-levelers. Even low-levelers get big quickly. You were also below level 200 not so long ago.
Hegel: I’m not disregarding them, I just mean it’s a dungeon for low-levels to play in.
Provence: You must be getting the appetite for exploring an undiscovered dungeon. You also get tense from not knowing what’ll come out…
Hegel: Ah, it’s fine. It’s a low-level dungeon anyways, so what would there be? I want to finish the dungeon exploration quickly and also return to the guild hunting ground.
When he was chatting like this, he heard a dignified tone through the chatting room.
Bindel: Are your friends strong?
It was the Dwarven Warrior Bindel, who ranked within the top 3 in the Black Lion Guild.
Hegel: No. They’re weak. There’s one Thief who has a higher level than me, but besides him they’re nothing special.
Bindel: Isn’t your level over 300 right now? A Thief that’s higher than level 300…that’s amazing.
Thieves were a tough job to raise.
If they joined a party, they could use close-combat, but they often died because of their weak defense. The risk of exploring alone could not be compared to hunting with a party.
Bindel: What kind of build of Thief is he? And what is his level?
Hegel: He’s just a little over 300. His build is probably just mainly party hunting.
Hegel cut his words short since he didn’t want to flatter Nide.
The Swordsman who shone as the battle’s flower.
He had some contempt towards other professions, and although he himself knew Nide wasn’t normal, he didn’t want to acknowledge it.
Bindel: At least with a Thief it will be easy to explore the dungeon. Since you said something about not having a Priest.
Hegel: Well, it’s just meh. Since I’m almost entirely handling the battle. And there’s still 1 Dwarf who hasn’t arrived yet.
Bindel: Oho, a Dwarf.
Bindel seemed to be quite interested since it was a Dwarf.
Bindel: Is he a Soldier or a Warrior?
Hegel. No, he’s a Sculptor.
Bindel: Sculptor?
Hegel: Yes. He’s a hyung I know, but he happened to be a Sculptor, so… he probably won’t be much help in the dungeon exploration, but I squeezed him in for the sake of the school assignment. You know, I wish I could just breeze through and defeat just enough monster. After I’m just about done with my work here, I want to quickly go hunting with you, hyungs.
Bindel: Is that Sculptor’s level high?
Hegel: It’s…I don’t know. I never asked. Wasn’t really interested. Why are you asking?
Bindel: Because I worked with an impressive Dwarven Sculptor some time ago.
Hegel: So he made an awesome sculpture?
Bindel: Though that’s true too… he was a Sculptor with an abnormal Charisma and ability to command troops. I also was following his orders mindlessly and before I knew it, we’d blasted through the dungeon in an instant. Not just me, but dozens of Dwarves were pulled in by his control.
Hegel: I’m surprised there’s a Sculptor like that.