Stems are one of the first things are easily seen as the plant grows.
They support the leaves,flowers,and transport food and water.
The external parts of stems are the node, internode, axillary bud, lenticels, and terminal bud. The node is the portion of the stem that is swollen or slightly enlarged as a result of the leaf and a bud rising from it.
The inter-node is the area between the nodes.
The axillary bud grows out of the axil.
The axill is the angie above a leaf or flower stem, and the stalk.
The function of the axillary bud is to develop into a leaf or branch.
The lenticels are pores in the stem that allow the passage of gasses in and out of the plant.
The terminal bud is located on the tip or top of the stem or its branches.
It may be cither a vegetative or flowering bud.
The vegetative bud will produce the and leaf growth of the plant.
The flowering bud will produce flowers.