Moderator Variable Analysis
Sample characteristics of mean age, mean duration of illness, in versus outpatient status, and treatment and design characteristics of duration of social-skills treatment in both weeks and hours, treatment intensity (hours per week), and active versus TAU controls were selected as moderator variables. Although we only included studies in this meta-analysis of the highest design quality (RCTs), even within this carefully selected group, distinctions in design quality could be made. We differentiated design quality of selected studies on the basis of ratings of three elements that related to the validity of each study: (1) use of raters blind to the condition of the participants, (2) establishment of interrater reliability on outcome measures, and (3) formal measures of treatment fidelity. Each study received a score of “1” (included none of these aspects of design quality), “2” (included one of these measures of design quality), “3” (included two of these measures of design quality), or “4” (included all three of these aspects of design quality).
Moderator Variable Analysis
Sample characteristics of mean age, mean duration of illness, in versus outpatient status, and treatment and design characteristics of duration of social-skills treatment in both weeks and hours, treatment intensity (hours per week), and active versus TAU controls were selected as moderator variables. Although we only included studies in this meta-analysis of the highest design quality (RCTs), even within this carefully selected group, distinctions in design quality could be made. We differentiated design quality of selected studies on the basis of ratings of three elements that related to the validity of each study: (1) use of raters blind to the condition of the participants, (2) establishment of interrater reliability on outcome measures, and (3) formal measures of treatment fidelity. Each study received a score of “1” (included none of these aspects of design quality), “2” (included one of these measures of design quality), “3” (included two of these measures of design quality), or “4” (included all three of these aspects of design quality).
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