I dream about a girl that wants to rule the world ...
first it 's just a job for the girl. later, she likes it and begins to identify with it .
the girl has to convert to robots other people. even against the will of the other .
it works better every day
the girl controls the people with a computer system .
she makes a mistake when testing a program
the program remains active on the computer in the background ....
the computer begins to observe and learn.
the computer learns .... after a month he begins to optimize the system.
the computer ensures the system to the outside.
Now, the computer starts to optimize the control of the people.
the girl can control people always better
they do not realize that the computer has optimized the control for them.
Now it comes to the last step
the computer also optimizes the girl
the girl gets an interface
Now it is connected directly to the computer .
from this moment on, the girl is only a part of the system.
she is the ruler of the robot ..