I read a lot on the internet. It’s an amazing place that contains the cumulative knowledge of mankind. Lately, the topic of dream lives funded by passive income streams via internet business has been attracting a lot of my attention. I will be adding a “Resources” page to this website soon to include links on a variety of topics, this one included.
An interesting practice is to sit down in a quiet room, alone, free of all distractions, and type out what would be your ideal life, in full. No holds barred. Let your imagination run wild. If you could live any kind of life, what would it be like? How would you spend a normal day if you had your ideal life?
I’ll describe mine for you, as of 8-13-13. The details change all the time, and this ideal life I thought up is quite different from the ideal life I imagined 6, 12 months ago. The description is in the present tense in order to make it more real in my own mind.