The accident case : the Driver by Mr. Virath Intarasuwan to reverse the Reach Stacker no. 1 to hit Mr. Thitipun Siranuwat (patient) Sub Contractor (S&T Contemp), The accident case at ICD Lat Krabang terminal on date February 2, 2015 at time 09.30 am. and after accident Sub Contractor send Mr. Thitipun Siranuwat (patient) to received surgery to the hospital.
Perform to Mr. Pijit Kunjuntuk (Safety Officer) And February 14, 2015 the police call to R/S Driver (Mr.Virath Intarasuwan), Mr. Sumeth (OPS. Manger), Mr. Pijit ( Safety officer) for the witness.and the patient to sign agreement for medical fee 60,000 Baht (Sixty thousand Baht only) by mutual agree indemnify at 40,000 Baht (forty thousand Baht only) and have confirm to Approved this cost.
So Mr. Gone-Woo PARK (Managing Director) please sign Approval Request by indemnify at 40,000 Baht (forty thousand Baht Only)