Pumpkin production is widely dispersed, with crop conditions varying greatly by region. In 2014, U.S. farmers produced 1.3 billion pounds of pumpkins in the top six states—17 percent above 2013. Illinois remains the leading producer of pumpkins, with a majority of supplies processed into pie filling and other uses. Supplies from the remaining top five States are targeted toward the seasonal fresh market for ornamental uses and for home processing.
Retail prices for all pumpkin varieties in 2015, on average, were up for September-October compared with last year’s average for the season (September-November). Demand for specialty pumpkins continues to expand as consumers look for new and interesting variations. Specialty varieties with wholesale prices reported in 2015 include Big Mack pumpkins (a giant variety), Cinderella, Knucklehead (medium size, upright, with lumps of various size and color on the skin), and heirloom varieties.