Getting Noticed, Gets You Booked
Dear Jakravut,
In the world of Expedia®, appearances matter!
Wait! That sounds a little vain. Let me qualify it. What I mean is the higher Summit Windmill Golf Residence (3634859) appears in our search results, the more likely you are to get bookings.
And the way you get to the top? That’s based on your Quality Score.
The top 15 hotels in our search results receive 78% of the click through traffic
The Quality Score Explained
When travelers are looking to book a room, they want to see the best rates and availability, great photos and detailed descriptions of hotels. So we’ve developed a Quality Score to rank our partners based on these factors, and redesigned our marketplace to be more flexible, dynamic and responsive to reward our partners who offer our guests the best deals.
Those who consistently provide the best experience, via great rates, availability and content, have a higher Quality Score resulting in more exposure on Expedia. Find out more about the Quality Score.
How Do I Improve My Ranking?
The good news is this is all in your hands. Simply follow these 3 steps:
1. Make sure you offer your lowest rate plan and available room types across all channels
2. Provide your availability for future dates and keep it routinely updated
3. Ensure your property descriptions and photos are comprehensive
If we spot that you’re falling behind, we’ll email to let you know and highlight where you should take action to improve performance. But there’s no need to wait, you can make required updates in today
Head over to Expedia® PartnerCentral via the button below:
If your hotel is connected, work through your normal procedures for updating your rates and availability.
And as always, I’m here to help if you have any questions.