The Cactus O Henry The most notatie eing about Time is i that sne many an amore courtrip bede stood asrglar Hooking goon a red carthem The piart was one of the species of acti, ard was provided with long loves that pirpetualy swawod th the sigtet broore with pocuia bokoning motion. dses the of at a favors like stars upon allowed to drink Both man were in evering White their coats through the gloom of the apartment. As he dowy unbuttoned his there parted through Trysdses mind a swim, scarifying retrospoot of the govs, nontils still the lat hours. It seemed in his scot of the flowers that had been berbedin odorous ma about the church, and in ears the lowpitched hun of a thousand wdi-bred voice, the ruste of y birdng and, mort imastently recurring, the drawing words of the ministar her to another >From this last hopdes point of view he still strove, mif it had become a habt of the mind, to reach some conjecture as to why and how he had lost her Shaken ruddy by uncompromising fact, he had suddenly found confronted by a thing he had never before faced-his own in and self. He savi of pretence and that he had wom now burm to rags of folly, He shuddered at the thought that to others, bed one now, the garments of his soul must have appeared somy and threadbare. Vanity and concat? Thege were the joints in his armor. And how free from ether she had always boen-But why As she had slowly moved up the ase toward the altr he had felt an unworthy, silen exultation that had served to support him. He had told himself that her paleness was from thou