I like honest and sincere girl. I don't like a girl that knows how to lie. Chob jing jai. Mai Chob gohok.
I do not want a girl that works in a bar. Mai ow puying tamngan tee bar. Mai ow puying cuoy tam ngan bar.
I do not want a girl that has a baby or children already. Mai ow puying mee look laew.
I love a girl that studies. Chob puying rean (leean)
If she does not have university it is okay but I like her to be smart. Tah mai me university, gaw mai pen rai, dTah Chob puying challat.
I don't like lazy girl. I don't like a girl that can not walk anywhere. I like her to be fit and firm. If she does some exercise it is good. Mai Chob puying kikiet. Tah kao dern pai mai dai pom mai Chob. Chob puying 'fit & firm". Tah tam exercise, pen dee mak.
I like a sweet and nice girl. Chob puying gwaan. Chob mak mak mak.
I like her to be cute. Chob puying narak.
I know many girl like to wear contact lens with color... but I don't like. It makes you look like a vampire. eyes are the window to the soul... farang say. We can see into your heart when we look in your real eyes.