Concluding observations
Our study has highlighted various approaches to the
application of the fair value requirements of IAS 41 to
standing timber, and in related disclosure practices.
Several companies make extensive disclosures
which supports transparency to the users of the
financial statements. However, often the reasons for
the fair valuation approach selected are not explicitly
discussed, meaning that users may not appreciate the
judgments and related uncertainties that are inherent in
the valuation of forest assets.
From our study, it seems that the majority of preparers
have concluded that active and transparent markets
in timberlands are the exception rather than the rule.
Hence the use of net present value/DCF methods is the
prevailing method of determining fair value.
Where markets do exist, often they are restricted
to smaller timberland plots, not on a scale that is of
interest to strategic or financial investors, and hence
the community of IFRS preparers. A further condition
of an active market is that items traded within the
market are homogenous. This concept does not square
readily with forest as no two forest plots are the same.
That said the degree of similarity between same species
short rotation plantation plots within a local region is
far greater than in a managed natural forest. Hence,
considerable judgement is required in determining what
constitutes an active and transparent market.
Our overall conclusion is that there is room for
further improvement with regard to the level of the
transparency of critical valuation assumptions especially
given that the overwhelming majority of standing
timber valuations are site specific. Generally, we would
welcome an enhanced discussion in the financial
reports on price assumptions used in DCF calculations
and sensitivity analysis as regards the most significant
value driving assumptions.
Finally, with forests at the heart of climate change,
some preparers already make reference to how climate
change is affecting timber growth rates and hence
valuation. Climate change is already driving changes in
commercial forestry, for example, the increasing role of
woody biomass as a renewable energy source. There
are nascent markets in forest carbon credits, which
is seen as one way of monetising the environmental
contribution of forests. These developments and more
will impact upon forest valuation and hence financial
reporting. We would expect more disclosures on these
developments in financial reports.