9.1.1 Welcome the renewed commitment from the Plus Three Countries and
the ILO to assist ASEAN in improving its national OSH frameworks and
9.1.2 Encourage the Plus Three Countries and the ILO to explore areas for
closer collaboration, including the sharing of experiences and expertise
in support of the Plan of Action, particularly the formation of the expert
team (section 8.3);
9.1.3 Facilitate the development and enhancement of national OSH
frameworks in ASEAN through exchange of relevant standards,
guidelines, research, best practices and learning experiences with the
Plus Three Countries, the ILO and other international organisations;
9.1.4 Acknowledge that the objectives and principles of prevention and
protection embodied in the ILO’s C187 “Promotional Framework For
Occupational Safety and Health” provide a useful basis for national OSH
policies; and
9.1.5 Recall and welcome the ILO’s commitment under the ILO’s
Recommendation 197 to facilitate international technical cooperation on