Further, we investigated whether there is significant difference in responses to
advantages of IFRS for SMES based on experience, education level, and
preparedness as shown in Table 5. The results indicate no significant effect of
experience and education level of accounting professionals on their perception of
advantages of IFRS for SMEs. In fact, there is some evidence that experience
affects the perception of accountants negatively about the advantages of the new
financial reporting sets in prior literature. According to Cole et al. (2011), more
experienced accountants are pessimistic about the advantages of the IFRS, such as
comparability. Our finding is not compatible with Cole et al. (2011). The
accounting professionals are classified into two groups based on their preparedness
for the IFRS for SMEs. It is expected that prepared accounting professionals are
more aware of the advantages of IFRS for SMEs. The differences in responses
between prepared and unprepared accounting professionals are statistically
significant only for two of the perceived advantages of easy transition to the full set
of IFRS for growing SMEs and inhibiting the underground economy in Turkey.