Heretofore helmet communications have been accom plished by means of a pair of earphones imbedded in the helmet liner for listening and some type of microphone positioned either on the throat or near lthe mouth area for picking up speech. The throat microphone, consisting of a pair of carbon filled elements placed on either -side of the larynx, came into use as a result of oxygen mask developments interfering with communications and vice, versa. The throat microphone had several disad vantages, the dynamic-range wasv poor due to inherent self noise, there was no discrimination against outside noise, the intelligibility was considered medium, individual Patented June 21, 1960 72 Another 'object `is the provision of a helmet communi# 'cations system wherein the speakers voice is picked up through a bone conduction medium. r Another object is the provision of a helmet having a microphone mounted therein for contacting the wea-rers forehead. t i Another 'object is the provision of a helmet having a forehead contacting microphone embedded the inner lining thereof. l i