It is desirable to know the percentage of carbon in the carbonaceous
matter of the undecomposed residues. It was found that further
oxidation of the carbonaceous matter could be obtained by prolonged
boiling of the residues in a closed flask with hydrogen peroxide. The
flask was connected with a Knorr carbon dioxide apparatus and the
carbon dioxide given off was weighed.. Ten cubic centimeters of the
30 per cent peroxide was added and/the contents of the flask were
gently heated and finally boiled until no more carbon dioxide was
given off, the process requiring several hours. Ten cubic centimeters
more of peroxide was added, and this procedure was repeated until
no more carbon dioxide could be obtained from the residues, 6 to 10
treatments being required. The boiled residue was then collected on
a Gooch crucible, dried, and weighed, and the loss in weight noted.
From the loss in weight of the sample and the weight of the carbon
dioxide evolved the percentage of carbon in the carbonaceous matter
destroyed was calculated. The carbon remaining after the prolonged
boiling with hydrogen peroxide was determined by subtracting the
quantity of carbon thus oxidized from the quantity of carbon present
in the residue obtained in the standard method. These determinations,
together with the carbon content of the residues from the first
hydrogen peroxide treatment, are given in Table 6. Unless otherwise
noted, the percentages are calculated on the weight of the oven-dried
material rather than on the weight of the residue.
It is desirable to know the percentage of carbon in the carbonaceousmatter of the undecomposed residues. It was found that furtheroxidation of the carbonaceous matter could be obtained by prolongedboiling of the residues in a closed flask with hydrogen peroxide. Theflask was connected with a Knorr carbon dioxide apparatus and thecarbon dioxide given off was weighed.. Ten cubic centimeters of the30 per cent peroxide was added and/the contents of the flask weregently heated and finally boiled until no more carbon dioxide wasgiven off, the process requiring several hours. Ten cubic centimetersmore of peroxide was added, and this procedure was repeated untilno more carbon dioxide could be obtained from the residues, 6 to 10treatments being required. The boiled residue was then collected ona Gooch crucible, dried, and weighed, and the loss in weight noted.From the loss in weight of the sample and the weight of the carbondioxide evolved the percentage of carbon in the carbonaceous matterdestroyed was calculated. The carbon remaining after the prolongedboiling with hydrogen peroxide was determined by subtracting thequantity of carbon thus oxidized from the quantity of carbon presentin the residue obtained in the standard method. These determinations,together with the carbon content of the residues from the firsthydrogen peroxide treatment, are given in Table 6. Unless otherwisenoted, the percentages are calculated on the weight of the oven-driedวัสดุมากกว่า บนน้ำหนักของสารตกค้าง
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