Although there are many apparent advantages, I will just highlight a few.
Students tend to be active and participate with great motivation towards tasks and activities in a TBL environment. It offers a platform for students to display their skills through their efforts and develops them further.
Language learners work and co-operate with each other in groups which builds bonds between them. When working in groups they are able to display and produce meaningful interaction on a given topic. Also the class work together and assess the whole outcome of the lesson.
Rather than concentrating on one aspect of a certain language feature, in all three stages of a TBL lesson students rely on previous language, knowledge and experience. This process enables the students to explore previous and new features of language.
Nunan (2004) states that TBL emphasises on learners to communicate through interaction in the target language, introduces authentic texts into the classroom, learners focus not only on language but the learning process itself and TBL makes the learners’ own personal experiences important contributing factors to the classroom.
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