In India, there are two major delivery channels for staple
foods, the commercial channel and the governmentsupported
public distribution system (PDS). The Public
Distribution System (PDS) sells cereals to populations
below the poverty line in fixed quantities and at highly
subsidised rates. Some States also provide edible oil
through the PDS at subsidised prices, when the market
prices go steep or when the demand for edible oil goes up
during special occasions like festivals. Two other programs
provide supplemental food: the Integrated Child
Development Services (ICDS) program caters to children
below 6 years, pregnant and lactating women and the
Mid-day Meal (MDM) program provides supplemental
food to primary school children. Voluntary fortification
through commercial channels was selected in both the
states while in Rajasthan, support was also provided for
fortification through MDM and ICDS. PDS was involved
in distributing fortified wheat flour in Rajasthan